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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2012 8:30am-9:00am PST

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>> you're watching quick bites, a look at san francisco foods. today you're in for a real treat.
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oh, my. food inspired by the mediterranean and released with a twist so unique you can only find it in one place in san francisco. the 56th annual armenian bizarre, this is extra special not only because i happen to be armenian, but there is so much deliciousness here and i can't wait to share it with all of you. let's go. ♪ ♪ >> armenia, culture and cusine has had many cultural exchanges with its neighbors. today armenian food has food from the mediterranean, middle east and europe. >> this is san francisco with the largest armenian food festival and widely recognized as one of the best food festivals in the area. we have vendors that come up from fresno, los angeles. we have everyone here in the neighborhood. that's really what it is, is
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drawing people to see a little bit of our culture and experience what we experience weekend in and weekend out. >> we are behind the scenes now watching the chef at work preparing some delicious armenian. this is a staple in armenian cooking, right? >> absolutely since the beginning of time. soldiers used to skewer it on swords. we have chicken ka bob, beef, lam, onions, parsley, over 2 pounds of meat being cooked in three days. >> after all that savory pro seen, i was ready to check out the fresh veggie options. * protein this is armenian. tomatoes and olive oil, that makes it summer food. what i'm doing is i'm putting some latinae. it's kind of like cream cheese
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without. when they offer you food, you have to eat it. they would welcome you and food is very important for them. >> in every armenian community we feel like we're a "smallville"age. we come together to put on something like this. what i find really interesting about san francisco is the blends of armenians from different areas, when they are here, the way people work together at any age, grandmothers and grad fathers skewering the food, fun to see everybody get together. >> we call it suberak. it's cheese turn over, if you want. we make it from scratch. we like to do for la san i can't. >> the amount of love and karin fused in the foods is tremendous. they come in every day to prepare and cook all in preparation for the big festival. * >> nobody stay. you have to come today,
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tomorrow for the feast. >> what a treat to taste a delicious recipe all made from scratch and passed down through generations. it really makes you appreciate the little things. >> this is the best festival. the food is to die for. it is a marvelous occasion. >> check out some of the food to go options. i describe myself here with a sandwich. all kinds of herbs and spices. this is fantastic. one of the best i've had in a long time. you know it's delicious. i have just enough room for dessert, my favorite part. we're behind the scenes right now watching how all the pastries get made. and we've got a whole array of pastries here just for us. the honey and nuts and cinnamon, all kinds of great ingredients. this is amazing. here's another yummy pastry made with filo dough. oh, my gosh.
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really sweet and similar, it's so much lighter. this is what i like. we have a lovely little row here. it looks like a very delicious and exciting surprise. covered by input. i'm going to bite into it. here we go. godness. this would go great with armenian coffee. now we're making some incredible armenian coffee. >> we buy our coffee from, they have the best coffee. these come from armenia especially made. would you like to try it? >> i would like to try. >> would you like sugar or no sugar? >> no sugar today. so excited. really earthy, you can really
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taste the grain. i think that's what makes it so special. really hope you try it. having a great time at the armenian festival. we ate, we saw, and we definitely conquered. i don't know about you, but i have to go dance this food out. in the meantime check out our blog for recipes, out takes and so much more at sf quick bites at until next time, may the fork be with you. ♪ ♪ >> first of all, everybody is welcome. and we ask two things when they get here. one, that they try something they never tried before. be it food or be it dancing or doing something. and if they feel like it was worth their while, to tell one person next year and bring that person, that family member, that friend down the street to come with them.
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>> we're going to have to do a lot of eating, so, get ready. >> you diet tomorrow.
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